Amalie K. Student's Official Site

A Simple HTML Example

This is a paragraph with justified text. You may need to shrink the window to see how this gets justified. Notice that all of the HTML tags use the < and > symbols, so we need to use < and > in the source code.

Here is a table... ...complete with cells...
...and another row
If you have a local image, just put the image name in the src argument instead of the entire Web address.
  Preformatted text.

Using the <font> tag is mostly obsolete. You should really use CSS to control your fonts.

Making a simple Web page is really easy to pick up. If you want a reference, you could try Learning HTML for Kids! or this W3Schools CSS tutorial.

Let's Make More Links

You may hack this page as much as you want. I would, however, like to see something a bit more complex on your own page!