Amalie K. Student's Official Site

A Slightly More Complex HTML Example

This site uses cascading style sheets to tell the browser how to format the page. All sites should have the DOCTYPE information at the top and information on the character set in the meta tag.

You can specify styles in two different ways: You can link to an external style sheet (in this case example.css) using the link tag or you can set the style for just this one page using something like the following inside the <head> section:

h1 {color: orange}
a.hover {text-decoration: underline;color:#AA0000}
Check out the external style sheet for this page here.

You can also change the style on the fly

Use this approach rather than using the <font> tag.


There are several ways to show links on a page:

Cascading Style Sheets

The <div> tag defines a section within a document. You can use it to group elements and format them with CSS styles.

I can override the style for paragraphs too.

Server Side Includes

Server Side Includes (SSI) are directives that you can place into HTML pages that the server evaluates when the pages get delivered to a browser. With SSI, you can add dynamically-generated content to your Web page, like the following:

Note that in order for SSI to work, you need to use the file extension .shtml. The main site for this course uses SSI so that your professor doesn't have to copy changes to the menus in dozens of different pages! You can read more about SSI from this site.

Again, you may hack this page to your heart's desire.