" If you write equations with LaTeX (who doesn't?), then this change is for you. -CG " Amendments to the standard tex.vim found in /usr/doc/vim-common-5.4/syntax/tex.vim. " Original author: Brian Fiedler " I wanted gvim to recognize the \be as \begin{equation} and \bea as \begin{equationarray}. " Also, I liked the bright yellow background of "Todo" to highlight sections . " syn cluster texMathZones add=texMathZoneZ,texMathZoneZ2 syn region texMathZoneZ matchgroup=Delimiter start="\\be\s*$" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\\ee\s*$" end="%stopzone" keepend contains=@texMathZoneGroup syn region texMathZoneZ2 matchgroup=Delimiter start="\\bea\s*$" matchgroup=Delimiter end="\\eea\s*$" end="%stopzone" keepend contains=@texMathZoneGroup syn sync match texSyncMathZoneZ grouphere texMathZoneZ "\\\be\s*$" syn sync match texSyncMathZoneZ2 grouphere texMathZoneZ2 "\\\bea\s*$" syn sync match texSyncMathZoneZ groupthere NONE "\\\ee\s*$" syn sync match texSyncMathZoneZ2 groupthere NONE "\\\eea\s*$" hi link texMathZoneZ texMath hi link texMathZoneZ2 texMath hi link texSection Todo