" This file sets defaults for gvim. " The unclosed quote is a comment. " For more information on vim and gvim, see http://www.vim.org. " This is my .gvimrc file with the settings that I prefer. " You can change whatever you like, but be sure to use your " own path to your filetype.vim and syntax.vim files. " Set gvim window options set columns=100 set lines=30 winpos 10 30 "winpos might not work; see help file " Set syntax filetype off "Make sure this is off before defining myfiletypefile syntax off "Make sure this is off before defining mysyntaxfile let myfiletypefile = "/home/cgodfrey/utilities/vim/filetype.vim" let mysyntaxfile = "/home/cgodfrey/utilities/vim/syntax.vim" filetype on "/vimstuff/runtime/filetype is sourced, followed by myfiletypefile syntax on "Appropriate syntax file will be sourced, followed by those directed by mysyntaxfile " Other options - you can always set these options on the fly (e.g., :set nowrap) in command-line mode. set hlsearch "Turn on search highlighting set mousehide "Hide the mouse while you type "set title titlestring=%f\ \ \ \[%F] "Just write the file name in the title bar so I can find it "set nowrap "Does not wrap text; useful for wide data files set ignorecase "Set searches as case-insensitive set smartcase "Make search case-sensitive if using capital letters "set tabstop=4 "Stretch or shrink the tab spacing